Where I’ll Be


30 Jan–02 Feb, Kontsevich 60 (IMSA, Miami)

02–04 Apr, Fanos in Stavanger

06 –11 Apr, Toric Geometry, MFO

21 Apr–09 May, Marseille and Luminy (Workshop on Cremona groups, CIRM, 5-9 May)

02–06 Jun,  Real algebraic geometry and Birational geometry, CIRM

09–13 Jun, Structures and Symmetries in Algebraic Geometry, Krakow

15–19 Sept, Cortona

10–14 Nov, Mirror Symmetry and Singularities, IMSA Miami


08–12 Jun,  40 Years of Higher Dimensional Geometry, Princeton

02–07 August, Hodge theoretical and combinatorial aspects of mirror symmetry, CMO BIRS Oaxaca